Modding Tutorials/Xenotypes - RimWorld Wiki (2024)

Xenotypes offer a wide range of possibilities for modders.

Xenotype template[edit]

This page has been suggested for recoding. Reason: 1) Make collapsible 2) Sanguophage uses a bunch of special options - add these. You can help RimWorld Wiki by improving it.

The following is the template for assembling xenotypes from the genes in the game. Under each heading the existing genes are listed. Simply delete or comment out the genes you do not wish to include. This is best done by editing or viewing the source of this page and copy and pasting from there. Do not include the <pre> and </pre> tags

It is accurate as of the 1st of November 2022. It is originally provided by Ryflamer but has since been modified.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?><Defs> <XenotypeDef><defName>xenotypedefname</defName><label>ingame name</label><description>A long description goes here, where you can describe the lore and whatever</description><descriptionShort>A shorter description goes here</descriptionShort><iconPath>UI/Icons/Xenotypes/Hussar</iconPath><inheritable>true</inheritable> <!-- Can be omitted for not inheritable --><nameMaker>NamerPersonDirtmole_Male</nameMaker> <!-- If omitted, the default name generator will be used. If this is used but nameMakerFemale is omitted, it will be used for both genders --><nameMakerFemale>NamerPersonDirtmole_Female</nameMakerFemale><chanceToUseNameMaker>1</chanceToUseNameMaker> <combatPowerFactor>1.5</combatPowerFactor> <!-- Can be omitted for 1x factor --><genes><!-- ======================================== Visual Genes ======================================== --><!-- ==================== Beard ==================== --><!-- <li>Beard_Always</li> --><!-- <li>Beard_NoBeardOnly</li> --><!-- <li>Beard_BushyOnly</li> --><!-- ==================== Beard ==================== --><!-- ==================== Bodies ==================== --><!--<li>Body_Hulk</li>--><!--<li><li>Body_Thin</li>--><!--<li><li>Body_Standard</li>--><!-- <li>Body_Fat</li> --><!-- ==================== Bodies ==================== --><!-- ==================== Brows ==================== --><!-- <li>Brow_Heavy</li> --><!-- ==================== Brows ==================== --><!-- ==================== Ears ==================== --><!-- <li>Ears_Cat</li> --><!-- <li>Ears_Floppy</li> --><!-- <li>Ears_Human</li> --><!-- <li>Ears_Pig</li> --><!-- <li>Ears_Pointed</li> --><!-- ==================== Ears ==================== --><!-- ==================== Eyes ==================== --><!-- <li>Eyes_Red</li> --><!-- <li>Eyes_Gray</li> --><!-- ==================== Eyes ==================== --><!-- ==================== Facial Overlay ==================== --><!-- <li>FacialRidges</li> --><!-- ==================== Facial Overlay ==================== --><!-- ==================== Hands ==================== --><!-- <li>ElongatedFingers</li> --><!-- <li>Hands_Human</li> --><!-- <li>Hands_Pig</li> --><!-- ==================== Hands ==================== --><!-- ==================== Hair ==================== --><!-- <li>Hair_BaldOnly</li>--><!-- <li>Hair_ShortOnly</li>--><!-- <li>Hair_LongOnly</li> --><!-- <li>Hair_Grayless</li> --><!-- <li>Hair_Pink</li>--><!-- <li>Hair_Blonde</li>--><!-- <li>Hair_SandyBlonde</li>--><!-- <li>Hair_ReddishBrown</li>--><!-- <li>Hair_DarkBrown</li>--><!-- <li>Hair_DarkSaturatedReddish</li>--><!-- <li>Hair_DarkReddish</li>--><!-- <li>Hair_MidBlack</li>--><!-- <li>Hair_DarkBlack</li>--><!-- <li>Hair_InkBlack</li>--><!-- <li>Hair_SnowWhite</li> --><!-- <li>Hair_Gray</li> --><!-- <li>Hair_LightOrange</li> --><!-- <li>Hair_SandyBlonde</li> --><!-- <li>Hair_LightPurple</li> --><!-- <li>Hair_LightBlue</li> --><!-- <li>Hair_LightTeal</li> --><!-- <li>Hair_LightGreen</li> --><!-- <li>Hair_BrightRed</li> --><!-- ==================== Hair ==================== --><!-- ==================== Head ==================== --><!-- <li>Headbone_MiniHorns</li> --><!-- <li>Head_Gaunt</li> --><!-- ==================== Head ==================== --><!-- ==================== Horns ==================== --><!-- <li>Headbone_Human</li> --><!-- <li>Headbone_CenterHorn</li> --><!-- <li>Headbone_MiniHorns</li> --><!-- ==================== Horns ==================== --><!-- ==================== Jaw ==================== --><!-- <li>Jaw_Baseline</li> --><!-- <li>Jaw_Heavy</li> --><!-- ==================== Jaw ==================== --><!-- ==================== Skin ==================== --><!-- <li>Furskin</li> --><!-- <li>Skin_Blue</li> --><!-- <li>Skin_DeepRed</li> --><!-- <li>Skin_DeepYellow</li> --><!-- <li>Skin_Green</li> --><!-- <li>Skin_InkBlack</li> --><!-- <li>Skin_LightGray</li> --><!-- <li>Skin_Orange</li> --><!-- <li>Skin_PaleRed</li> --><!-- <li>Skin_PaleYellow</li> --><!-- <li>Skin_Purple</li> --><!-- <li>Skin_SheerWhite</li> --><!-- <li>Skin_SlateGray</li> --><!-- <li>Skin_Melanin1</li> --><!-- <li>Skin_Melanin2</li> --><!-- <li>Skin_Melanin3</li> --><!-- <li>Skin_Melanin4</li> --><!-- <li>Skin_Melanin5</li> --><!-- <li>Skin_Melanin6</li> --><!-- <li>Skin_Melanin7</li> --><!-- <li>Skin_Melanin8</li> --><!-- <li>Skin_Melanin9</li> --><!-- ==================== Skin ==================== --><!-- ==================== Nose ==================== --><!-- <li>Nose_Human</li> --><!-- <li>Nose_Pig</li> --><!-- ==================== Nose ==================== --><!-- ==================== Tail ==================== --><!-- <li>Tail_Furry</li> --><!-- <li>Tail_Smooth</li> --><!-- ==================== Tail ==================== --><!-- ======================================== Stat Genes ======================================== --><!-- ==================== Abilities ==================== --><!-- <li>AcidSpray</li> --><!-- <li>AnimalWarcall</li> --><!-- <li>Bloodfeeder</li> --><!-- <li>Coagulate</li> --><!-- <li>FireSpew</li> --><!-- <li>FoamSpray</li> --><!-- <li>LongjumpLegs</li> --><!-- <li>PiercingSpine</li> --><!-- <li>Resurrect</li> --><!-- <li>XenogermReimplanter</li> --><!-- ==================== Abilities ==================== --><!-- ==================== Aggression ==================== --><!-- <li>Aggression_HyperAggressive</li> --><!-- <li>Aggression_Aggressive</li> --><!-- <li>Aggression_DeadCalm</li> --><!-- ==================== Aggression ==================== --><!-- ==================== Aptitude ==================== --><!-- <li>AptitudeTerrible_Animals</li> --><!-- <li>AptitudeTerrible_Social</li> --><!-- <li>AptitudeTerrible_Artistic</li> --><!-- <li>AptitudeTerrible_Mining</li> --><!-- <li>AptitudeTerrible_Mining</li> --><!-- <li>AptitudeTerrible_Plants</li> --><!-- <li>AptitudePoor_Artistic</li> --><!-- <li>AptitudePoor_Intellectual</li> --><!-- <li>AptitudePoor_Social</li> --><!-- <li>AptitudePoor_Shooting</li> --><!-- <li>AptitudePoor_Cooking</li> --><!-- <li>AptitudePoor_Cooking</li> --><!-- <li>AptitudePoor_Plants</li> --><!-- <li>AptitudePoor_Animals</li> --><!-- <li>AptitudeStrong_Melee</li> --><!-- <li>AptitudeStrong_Social</li> --><!-- <li>AptitudeStrong_Intellectual</li> --><!-- <li>AptitudeRemarkable_Shooting</li> --><!-- <li>AptitudeRemarkable_Melee</li> --><!-- <li>AptitudeRemarkable_Animals</li> --><!-- <li>AptitudeRemarkable_Mining</li>--><!-- <li>AptitudeRemarkable_Social</li> --><!-- ==================== Aptitude ==================== --><!-- ==================== Beauty ==================== --><!-- <li>Beauty_VeryUgly</li> --><!-- <li>Beauty_Ugly</li> --><!-- <li>Beauty_Pretty</li> --><!-- <li>Beauty_Beautiful</li> --><!-- ==================== Beauty ==================== --><!-- ==================== Chemical Dependency ==================== --><!-- <li>ChemicalDependency_GoJuice</li> --><!-- <li>ChemicalDependency_Psychite</li> --><!-- ==================== Chemical Dependency ==================== --><!-- ==================== Fertility ==================== --><!-- <li>Sterile</li> --><!-- <li>Fertile</li> --><!-- ==================== Fertility ==================== --><!-- ==================== Immunity ==================== --><!-- <li>Immunity_Weak</li> --><!-- <li>Immunity_Strong</li> --><!-- <li>Immunity_SuperStrong</li> --><!-- ==================== Immunity ==================== --><!-- ==================== Learning ==================== --><!-- <li>Learning_Slow</li> --><!-- <li>Learning_Fast</li> --><!-- ==================== Learning ==================== --><!-- ==================== Libido ==================== --><<!-- li>Libido_Low</li>--><!-- <li>Libido_High</li> --><!-- ==================== Libido ==================== --><!-- ==================== Melee Damage ==================== --><!-- <li>MeleeDamage_Weak</li> --><!-- <li>MeleeDamage_Strong</li> --><!-- ==================== Melee Damage ==================== --><!-- ==================== Mood ==================== --><!-- <li>Mood_Depressive</li> --><!-- <li>Mood_Pessimist</li> --><!-- <li>Mood_Optimist</li> --><!-- <li>Mood_Sanguine</li> --><!-- ==================== Mood ==================== --><!-- ==================== Movement Speed ==================== --><!-- <li>MoveSpeed_Quick</li>--><!-- <li>MoveSpeed_Slow</li>--><!-- <li>MoveSpeed_VeryQuick</li> --><!-- ==================== Movement Speed ==================== --><!-- ==================== Pain ==================== --><!-- <li>Pain_Reduced</li> --><!-- <li>Pain_Extra</li>--><!-- ==================== Pain ==================== --><!-- ==================== Psychic Ability ==================== --><!-- <li>PsychicAbility_Deaf</li> --><!-- <li>PsychicAbility_Dull</li> --><!-- <li>PsychicAbility_Enhanced</li> --><!-- <li>PsychicAbility_Extreme</li> --><!-- ==================== Psychic Ability ==================== --><!-- ==================== Sleep ==================== --><!-- <li>Neversleep</li> --><!-- <li>LowSleep</li> --><!-- <li>Sleepy</li> --><!-- <li>VerySleepy</li> --><!-- ==================== Sleep ==================== --><!-- ==================== Temperature ==================== --><!-- <li>MinTemp_SmallDecrease</li> --><!-- <li>MinTemp_SmallIncrease</li> --><!-- <li>MinTemp_LargeIncrease</li> --><!-- <li>MaxTemp_SmallDecrease</li> --><!-- <li>MaxTemp_SmallIncrease</li> --><!-- <li>MaxTemp_LargeIncrease</li> --><!-- ==================== Temperature ==================== --><!-- ==================== Toughness ==================== --><!--<li>Delicate</li>--><!-- <li>Robust</li> --><!-- ==================== Toughness ==================== --><!-- ==================== Toxic Resistance ==================== --><!-- <li>ToxicEnvironmentResistance_Partial</li> --><!-- <li>ToxicEnvironmentResistance_Total</li> --><!-- <li>ToxResist_Partial</li> --><!-- <li>ToxResist_Total</li> --><!-- ==================== Toxic Resistance ==================== --><!-- ==================== UV Sensitivity ==================== --><!-- <li>UVSensitivity_Intense</li>--><!-- <li>UVSensitivity_Mild</li> --><!-- ==================== UV Sensitivity ==================== --><!-- ==================== Vision ==================== --><!-- <li>DarkVision</li>--><!-- <li>Nearsighted</li>--><!-- ==================== Vision ==================== --><!-- ==================== Voice ==================== --><!-- <li>Voice_Human</li> --><!-- <li>VoicePig</li> --><!-- <li>VoiceRoar</li> --><!-- ==================== Voice ==================== --><!-- ==================== Wound Healing ==================== --><!-- <li>WoundHealing_Fast</li>--><!-- <li>WoundHealing_Slow</li> --><!-- <li>WoundHealing_SuperFast</li> --><!-- ==================== Wound Healing ==================== --><!-- ======================================== Unique Genes ======================================== --><!-- ==================== Vampire ==================== --><!-- <li>Hemogenic</li> --><!-- <li>HemogenDrain</li> --><!-- <li>DiseaseFree</li> --><!-- <li>TotalHealing</li> --><!-- <li>Deathrest</li> --><!-- <li>Ageless</li> --><!-- <li>Deathless</li> --><!-- <li>ArchiteMetabolism</li> --><!-- <li>PerfectImmunity</li> --><!-- <li>FireWeakness</li> --><!-- <li>FireTerror</li> --><!-- ==================== Vampire ==================== --><!-- ==================== Misc ==================== --><!-- <li>AddictionImmune_WakeUp</li> --><!-- <li>FireResistant</li> --><!-- <li>Inbred</li> --><!-- <li>Instability_Mild</li> --><!-- <li>Instability_Major</li> --><!-- <li>KillThirst</li> --><!-- <li>KindInstinct</li> --><!-- <li>NakedSpeed</li> --><!-- <li>PollutionRush</li> --><!-- <li>PsychicBonding</li> --><!-- <li>RobustDigestion</li> --><!-- <li>StrongStomach</li> --><!-- <li>Superclotting</li> --><!-- <li>Unstoppable</li> --><!-- <li>ViolenceDisabled</li> --></genes></XenotypeDef></Defs>

Adding xenotypes to generated pawns[edit]

This section is a stub. You can help RimWorld Wiki by expanding it. Reason: More details on how pawnkind and ideoligion generation affects xenotype selection. Information on MustBeCapableOfViolence flag on pawn generation request..

Factions have their distribution of xenotypes set in their faction def at the top level by the following:

 <xenotypeSet> <xenotypeChances> <Neanderthal MayRequire="Ludeon.RimWorld.Biotech">0.05</Neanderthal> <Hussar MayRequire="Ludeon.RimWorld.Biotech">0.15</Hussar> <Genie MayRequire="Ludeon.RimWorld.Biotech">0.10</Genie> </xenotypeChances> </xenotypeSet>

Note: The above is for a faction that is not defined by the Biotech DLC, hence the may require. This difference is irrelevant to the interpretation method chosen.These values are then interpreted one of two ways.First:If the values add up to less than 1.0, then they are interpreted as percentage chances for a pawn, absent any other xenotype selections, to be that xenotype, with the remainder being the chance to be a baseliner. In the above example, as the sum of 0.05, 0.15, and 0.10 is only 0.30. As this is less than 1.0, there is a 5% chance for a pawn from that faction to be a neanderthal, a 15% chance to be a hussar, a 10% chance to be a genie, and a 70% chance to be baseliner.

Second:If the values exceed 1.0, then the values are instead interpreted as a weight, where the chance is equal to the value for that xenotype divided by the sum of all the weights given. If baseliners are not included as a weight, they are excluded

For example:

 <xenotypeSet> <xenotypeChances> <Neanderthal>999</Neanderthal> </xenotypeChances> </xenotypeSet>

Note: The above is for a faction that is defined by the Biotech DLC, hence the lack of may require. This difference is irrelevant to the interpretation method chosen.Neanderthals have a (999/999)*100%, or a 100% chance to be selected.

Additional xenotypeSet definitions can be made in memes[Note] and PawnKinds. Whenever a pawn generation request is made, the generator sums the xenotype chances from the faction, the PawnKind, and each meme of the faction's primary ideoligion. The totals are then interpreted as either probabilities or weights, as described above.

For example, suppose a pawn is generated using the faction at the top of this section and a PawnKind with the following configuration:

 <xenotypeSet> <xenotypeChances> <Highmate>0.25</Highmate> <Genie>0.15</Genie> </xenotypeChances> </xenotypeSet>

The chances will be added together, resulting in Neaderthal=0.05, Hussar=0.15, Genie=0.25 (from adding 0.10 and 0.15), and Highmate=0.25. The total of all of these is 0.7, leaving baseliners with a chance of 0.3.

Note that a PawnKind may have <useFactionXenotypes>false</useFactionXenotypes>, which causes the faction's xenotypeSet to be ignored.

Modding Tutorials/Xenotypes - RimWorld Wiki (2024)


How to make your own Xenotype RimWorld? ›

Xenotypes can be created during a game within a gene assembler, and delievered via a xenogerm. You are limited by the genepacks you found or have extracted. The complexity of your xenotype is also limited by the gene processors you have available.

Will custom xenotypes spawn RimWorld? ›

The unmodded game factions will never spawn with custom xenotypes, but neutral/spacer pawns, like refugees, beggars, escape pods, they can spawn as one of your custom starting xenotypes. If you want to create a xenotype and not start with it but then allow it to spawn in the game, you will have to use mods for that.

Are 1.4 mods compatible with 1.5 RimWorld? ›

Playing 1.5 Rimworld with 1.4 mods will cause them some of them to not work. Fortunately, it should be possible to downgrade the game to previous versions to ensure everything still runs correctly.

How to start making mods for RimWorld? ›

Goal of this tutorial[edit]
  1. Install software needed to make a mod.
  2. Create a mod folder structure.
  3. Edit the About. xml file.
  4. Add a new item to the game.
  5. Test the mod in-game using the Debug menu.

Can you make Luciferium in RimWorld? ›

Luciferium cannot be crafted, and must be either acquired through trade, as a quest reward, found in ancient shrines, or looted from pirate Raiders.

How to change pawn xenotype? ›

The purpose of a xenogerm is to change the xenotype of the pawn it is installed into. This is done through an implantation surgery. The effects of xenogermination are instant, and will change the affected pawn upon the surgery's completion.

Can you have 2 colonies in RimWorld? ›

Multiple Colonies[edit]

Since Alpha 16, you can have up to 5 colonies running at the same time (available in Options > Gameplay). The larger you extend the more benefits and difficulties you will gain.

Will visitors set off traps RimWorld? ›

Colonists and tame animals have 0.4% (one in 250) chance to trigger the trap. Friendly visitors and their animals will never trigger a trap.

Can you make mechanoids RimWorld? ›

All mechanoids require a subcore to create, along with other materials like steel. Simple mechs use a basic subcore (from a subcore encoder), while more complex ones require a standard subcore (from a subcore softscanner) or high subcore (from a subcore ripscanner).

What is the best mod for RimWorld? ›

Here are the best Rimworld mods:
  • Non lethal Weapons.
  • Rimworld Multiplayer.
  • Hospitality.
  • EdB Prepare Carefully.
  • Colony Manager.
  • Realistic Rooms.
  • Wave Survival Mode.
  • Interaction Bubbles.
Jul 17, 2024

Does map size affect RimWorld performance? ›

Larger globe coverage generates a fuller world, but takes a longer time to load up, and can also impact performance on lower-end systems. Configurable map sizes: 5% (Dev Mode)

What are RimWorld mods coded in? ›

While it is possible to create many mods by modifying or creating XML, writing custom C# code, either as stand-alone classes or as Harmony patches, allows changing almost anything in the game.

What should I make first RimWorld? ›

Light a campfire in the middle of your building (unless it's very hot, then build it outside.) Get your first small crops planted (30-40 tiles or so). If you have extra time, build a 1x2 table and 2 chairs - your colonists will enjoy sitting there to eat.

Can you add mods to an existing RimWorld game? ›

If you own RimWorld on Steam, then the easiest way of finding and downloading mods is by using Steam Workshop. Steam Workshop automates the process of downloading and installing mods, as well as keeping them up to date with new releases.

What is RimWorld written in? ›

– RimWorld uses the Unity game engine. We created our own custom object and time handling systems because RimWorld is a tile-based 2D game with thousands of objects, while Unity is better suited for smooth-space 3D games with hundreds of objects. The programming language was C#.

How to create your own faction in RimWorld? ›

To create a faction:
  1. Click on your settlement on the world map.
  2. Press the "Faction" button.
  3. Enter your desired faction name in the prompt.

Can you make your own components in RimWorld? ›

The most reliable way of getting components is by crafting them at a fabrication bench for a cost of 12 steel, although they require the crafter to have a crafting skill of at least 8. Steel can be mined from compacted steel, which often comes crashing down as an asteroid, or can be found naturally in your region.

Can you build your own ship RimWorld? ›

Building the ship requires a lot of materials. Metals - A common way to obtain lots of metal is with a ground-penetrating scanner (with deep drills) or long-range mineral scanner. Both allow you to mine for an indefinite amount of ore.

How do you make hybrids in RimWorld? ›

By using humanoid genes, you can mix them with animal genes and create several hybrid implants to improve your colonists.

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Author: Pres. Carey Rath

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Views: 6209

Rating: 4 / 5 (41 voted)

Reviews: 88% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Pres. Carey Rath

Birthday: 1997-03-06

Address: 14955 Ledner Trail, East Rodrickfort, NE 85127-8369

Phone: +18682428114917

Job: National Technology Representative

Hobby: Sand art, Drama, Web surfing, Cycling, Brazilian jiu-jitsu, Leather crafting, Creative writing

Introduction: My name is Pres. Carey Rath, I am a faithful, funny, vast, joyous, lively, brave, glamorous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.